If you're struggling making money the problem is not your strategy or tactics it's that you’re not in the flow of wealth.
We all carry emotional debt and this debt runs so deep that you end up doubting yourself and feeling like a fraud.
This doesn’t support you growing a successful business it actually creates more of a divide.
The more you feel like an imposter the more you are trapped in the facade of marketing and social media to “ look like I’m doing well” but really that social mask is just that.... a “ social” mask to hide what’s really happening.
If youre....
- doing what you think you "should" be doing or "have" to do
- copying what see others are doing but it's not really true for you
- you're faking it and the truth is if you were really being honest with your best friend you would admit you're not making enough money if any at all.
You're randomly chasing...
- techniques
- adding a new modality or
- a new marketing strategy
and it's all in vain because none of this is connected or aligned to your purpose and so you're not really committed and it's absolutely exhausting.

Why is this happening?
Because you haven’t clicked into YOUR authentic aligned way
You were sent here to do what you were called to do - this is your PURPOSEÂ and when you click into this, the money begins to flow!
If you're not making enough money
You haven't found what resonates with you
You're copying what others do randomly and none of this feels right to you
This is the energy you're putting out and instead of being an attractor for your ideal clients, you are actually repelling people because you're not in the flow of wealth.
You can pay thousands on websites for photographs and branding and headshots and marketing... but in your heart of hearts you know you're not doing it ....yet!
You can spend all your days writing perfect copy, and you can constantly post client testimonials as proof of your work but the vibe is desperate and powerless and leaves you spinning in confusion of why this isn’t working.
If you stay on this path....this is the surefire way to become bitter, broke, and burned out, if you aren't already.
You may already be questioning if you have the ability even to do this work that you used to feel so called to share.

Here’s the good news, You CAN get into the flow of wealth on YOUR terms without copying or chasing any tactic, strategy, or influencer and begin ATTRACTING more money into your life and business while being 100% happier and feeling aligned with your purpose!
You are the common denominator of your results and it is not what you do but HOW you do anything that will catapult your results.
You have more power in your pinky finger than all the electricity on the planet! So HOW do you begin to get in alignment in your authentic way and stay true to yourself while being in money flow?
This exact question is why I am inviting you to take a deep dive with me into your 6 Figure Frequency a LIVE one-day event that will cover

What you will leave feeling and knowing:
- What do you need to do to focus and sustain your frequency at 6 figures or more to be the attractor of your results.
- Ways to tap into your body's wisdom and be able to detect any pinching off or chasing energy that will send your clients running in the opposite direction.
- How to manipulate energy by using these Laws that will support you to six-figure success and beyond.
- Understand the Energy of Money and immediately shift old ways of thinking and years of old patterns into six-figure magic
- Have the confidence to lead your clients, making them more meaningful impact while feeling free, having way more fun, and creating a feminine financial flow
I know you are a smart, successful visionary woman who is not only ready but committed to your next level of success!
Lets gooooo!
Standard Tier
VIP Tier
(You'll additionally receive the recording plus a workbook to help you implement your training!)