Uplevel your money identity, raise your energetic set point, and move from money mediocrity and “just enough” to powerful and prosperous in just one day.
You’ve hired coaches. Done all the inner work and invested in ALL the business strategies, but the results are not meeting your expectations.
So where the hell is all that financial success you desire or require?
The root cause is your INNER MONEY IDENTITY.
This goes way beyond a money story or money mindset. You CANNOT create a new identity with mindset alone.
And despite feeling very knowledgeable, you struggle to communicate your expertise effectively.
I'M READY!It's easy to think that your marketing and messaging are the roadblocks to selling out your programs or packages and they are important...
But guess what...
Before marketing and messaging can work, your money identity has to be right and tight!
It's your inner money identity that is hindering your mission and success.
You want to attract and not chase... but you find yourself efforting or avoiding when it comes to the very things you need to do to bring the money to you.
When you speak to people, write emails, are on social... it won't be effective if your inner money identity is off.

Here’s how you know you need to upgrade your money identity:
✅ Do you keep having the wrong people show up, not buy from you, and not receive your guidance?
✅ It's like pulling teeth to find your people or get them on the phone or into conversation.
✅ When you do get them on the phone they are the wrong person who doesn’t understand the value and is not ready to say YES!
✅ You’re stuck at low 4 figures a month and you keep asking “What should I do? Tell me what to do!”
✅ You are on a mental repeat of: “I’m doing everything I know how to do and it's not working.”
✅ You think it's your messaging and hyper-focus on how to articulate your wisdom and struggle to weave your words so you can truly connect to your ideal client and get them saying YES on repeat.
These are the symptoms of a much bigger problem you haven't been aware of until NOW!
And there IS a solution...
It's something invisible and it's a real thing.
The problem is that your inner money identity is set so low it only allows you to receive at a very low level.
When you change this INNER MONEY IDENTITY internally you will not only be able to receive more you will actually attract a different level of result.

I am going to take you through a process of installing a new inner money identity that will transform you and it can be done in one day.
YES, in one single day.
Money is a reflection of your inner energy. It's a sovereign journey and has great spiritual significance for you as a sacred feminine leader.
You will come in not knowing what to do next, confused, and probably frustrated and you will leave feeling completely activated and possibly with one sale under your belt.
Yes, you heard that right - during this one day it is possible for you to leave with money in your pocket.
SIGN ME UP!You will not be able to undo this new money identity.
Once it's done - it is COMPLETE and with you forever.
This is a holistic, full-body experience that will have you buzzing with the power of manifesting in real-time from invisible to DONE!
If you are ready to truly begin your "pilgrimage of prosperity," to truly have money be a spiritual tool and a tangible resource in your bank account...

Then, I invite you to...
Uplevel Your Money Identity
✅ Together we will be shifting your money and energetic set point and receive what you need to move from mediocrity and “just enough” to power and prosperity.
✅ It won’t feel like more work or even more time. It will expand time. It will expand your energy.
✅ Together we will Uplevel Your Money Identity.
✅ The recording will be available so you can rewatch it to activate yourself even more and a workbook to follow along and strengthen the installation.
Heads up! This is for you only if you want to be on this journey and allow in A LOT MORE money.
If you're ready to say yes to all those things you claim you want. If you're ready for them to actually happen.
Your higher self is waiting for you...
This price includes a recording of the workshop and a workbook!